Hopes that the decisions made by the parties have been made UN Convention on Biological Diversity It will inform the biodiversity and fragile ecosystems that carry increased conflict, crying, mining, waste waste disposal and other environmental impacts around the world.
“We are very welcome we are the announcement,” said the UN Secretary-General Stéphane Dujarrić, Friday. “We need to mobilize at least 200 billion dollars a year until 2030. year to close the global gap in biological diversity. ”
However, discussions about the protection of the protection of the country’s biodiversity, there have been a point for a long time, while more than one million plants and animal species are now threatening to extinction.

Waiting for an agreement
“These days of work in Rome showed the commitment of the parties to improve implementation (Kunming-Montreal) Global Biodiversity Framework“Cop16 President Susan Muhamad said, referring to the 1922 Landmark Agreement. And underlining the” collective effort to reach the consensus of key issues in potassium “.
Why is biodiversity important? Read our explanor here.
Delegates worked through Friday morning after the day of intense negotiations and made decisions on extraordinary issues, including finance biodiversity, planning, monitoring, reporting and review.
The negotiators also agreed on the set of indicators for measuring global and national progress towards the implementation of the global biodiversity framework.
The framework was completed more than two years – a historical protection agreement by the UN to lead the global action on nature by 2030. years, which was killed at meetings in Kunming, China, and Montreal, Canada, in 2022. years.
Maintaining promises made in Canada and China
Global Biodiversity Framework aims to address biodiversity loss, renew ecosystems and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples, which suffering disproportionately From the loss of biodiversity and environmental degradation.
The global frame also contains concrete steps for stopping and reverse loss of nature, including Protection measures covering 30 percent of the planet and 30 percent of degraded ecosystems by 2030. years.
It is currently protected only 17 percent of the country and about eight percent of seafood.
“Just working together can we peace with nature make reality“Said Mrs. Muhamad.
‘Multilateralism works’
Astrid Schomaker, the UN Conventional Secretary on Biological Diversity, said that the positive outcome in Rome shows that “multilateralism works” and “vehicle for building partnerships needed for biodiversity.”
After intensive negotiations, the Convention Parties agreed on the path forward in terms of resource mobilization in order to close the global gap in biological diversity and reached the goal of at least 200 billion dollars a year until 2030. Years.
This includes working on improving existing financial tools, especially the provision of resources for developing countries, under the provisional management of the UN agency and partners.
“We now have a clear mandate” for implementation, said Mrs. Schomaker. “As we do and implement other accompanying elements for resource mobilization, The world will give themselves funds to close the gap from biodiversity. “
Call for pioneering investors
On the margins of the COP16.2, the Cali Fund, which was created in Colombia in late 2024. years, officially launchedImports in the new era for financing biodiversity.
“Today’s launch is the culmination of multilateralism that provides,” said Elizabeth Nabes, Deputy Executive Director of the UN Program (UNEP).
“The ball is now on the company court worldwide. Those who pay in the fund will descend in history as pioneers And he will reap the benefits because the public increasingly recognizes the importance of giving nature. ”
Here is how the Fund will use biodiversity:
- The commercial use of data from genetic resources in nature in a series of entry industries is expected to contribute to the part of their income in the Fund
- CALI fund contributions will be used to implement the UN biological diversity, including support for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
- At least 50 percent of CALI fund resources will be allocated to indigenous peoples and local communities, which recognize their role of biodiversity caregivers
2025-02-28 12:00:00