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Notima Relations with the CPC under a microscope in the new book exhibited in alleged corruption

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First on the handcuffs: A new book that sounds the california corruption alarm carried out a chapter focusing on the government. Gavin Beinin’s History with a non-profit organization that authors say it has served as the main “gateway” for corrupt CCP corporations to flood in the state.

In his book “Budalo Gold: Radicals, Contraists and traitors who killed California sleep and now threatens us,” authors Jedd McFatter and Susan Crabtree regarding the Chinese community and its connections for the crowd.

The book explains that he used to come to office as San Francisco’s Mayor after receiving the strong support of the Chinese voters, so he celebrated his victory in the Chinese neighborhood, and the authors write that from the early point in his mandate was ready for “transitions with the interests of Chinese waters.”

One of those interests, according to Chapter 3, was a non-profit organization that started with Newoom called Chinasf that the book claims that in the Gate of CCP officials and Chinese criminals to exploit California.

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News of China
The new book raises questions about California. Gavin nita ties in China. (Getty)

The book describes a trip from China to China, where he hosted in Shanghai “Clubhouse” Vincent Lo, a Chinese businessman with deep connections to the CPC.

“During this meeting, it was to excurs a long-term plan to turn San Francisco into the premier passage through which Chinese companies could invest and expand their business in the United States,” says the book. “On the way back from China, Star Gavin told her staff to set a few million dollars to post a flood called Chinese money and not blowing smoke and bad forces in Shanghai to face Chinasf.”

The book says that Kinasf influenced the area of ​​the Gulf Area “More than any other” that once created an initiative to almost $ 5.5 billion from San Francisco from 2008. until 2018, while in the city, 108 Chinese companies in the city.

The book claims that in this period of time, Kinesf “helped in several corrupt Chinese corporations in America.”

One of several companies discussed in the book was a Suntech, a Chinese solar company that has been recruited in the United States, and publicly praised the CEO, Doctor and made it a member of the Chinasf Advisory Committee.

In addition to the earthly energy companies that were transferred through Chinasf, the company was included, and the book states that the property has received over $ 23,000 in anonymous contributions to the Chinese Real Estate company, whose billion is criminally convicted To bribery government in San Francisco.

Chapter 3, entitled “Feeding the Dragon”, relates to different potential red flags on Newtoms with China, including the Chinese used as a “San Francisco building tool in the global center for biotechnology and pharmaceutical science.”

“Dozens of Chinese biotechnical companies have been drawn in the Gulfish with huge tax breaks and other incentives, but it seems to be a very little book.” One of the most amazing recruits Chinasfa is the Biotechnical company Joing Laboratories, which has close links to the Chinese army. ”

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"Fool gold: Radicals, contrast and traitors who killed from dreaming in California and now threaten us all," Author: Jedd McFatter and Susan Crabtree

“Budalo Gold: Radicals, Controls and Traitors who killed California sleep and now threaten us all”, from Jedd McFatter and Susan Crabtree (Publishing in the middle)

Fox News Digital reached into the Neispith’s comment office and received the answer referring to an article About conspiracy theories with the title “Conspiracy theorists really see the world differently, the show of the new study.”

The book continues to talk to Chinasf’s involvement in biotechnology and pharmaceutical scientific companies that are “drawn in the Gulf surface” with tax reliefs and “a little verification”, which has “several major corruption scandals that include collections of the curve.”

The book also claims that in the California Governor, the lieutenant, sometimes protected wines that possesses in China and poured them for CCP elites on the tasting of lavish Shanghai.

The authors also drawn attention to the controversial connection between Kinesf and Huawei, a company involved in countless query practices that have been supervised by the US presidential administrations, resulting in restrictions.

“However, no one seems that no one noticed when the aspected Chinese company became their top financial sponsor in 2016. years,” says the book. “It could be because the US government has long identified that company, Huawei Technologies, as one of the most dangerous technologies, who led in Huawei in San Francisco. It was generated by more than $ 75 billion.”

Chinasf once described as non-profit, including his now faulty website, explains the book, but between 2009. and 2014 was a limited liability corporation whose only member of the Chamber of Commerce is San Francisco.

“In other words, for a period of time, KINASF was a private entity built into the local Chamber of Commerce,” says the book.

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Chinese national flag flutter on the island of Pingtan.

Chinese national flag flutter on the island of Pingtan. (Adek Berry / Getty Images)

The chapter closes with the abstract why Chinasf’s influence in the country deserves more supervision.

“Close the analysis of the available data reveals that most of the Chinasf descriptions were strange and misconception,” says the book. .

“On the surface, covers, cutting cutlings, and to enter the economic public-private partnerships, which are coming in arrival, which exit the agreements, which does not have enough records for review and there are no clear explanations for San Francisco in In some cases in some cases in shady Chinese companies that exploited and damaged the American economy and flew in American grays and blyked from American cities and flying to American citizens. ”

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Gov. Gavin News (Getty images)

“San Francisco is proud of his longtime relationship with China and his sister city, Shanghai,” Betinj He said in 2008. “Chinasf builds on this history of common cultural and economic ties and strengthens future economic prosperity through increased relations between San Franciscan and Chinese companies.”


2025-03-10 13:47:00

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