Police for Humberside said the 59-year-old was detained “about the suspect of gross non-happiness regarding the collision.” He did not appoint him the police and was not charged.
The Brod’s company Ernst Russ, the owner of the Portugal container bracket, said Solong, said the man was arrested. He said “and our entire team actively help investigations.”
The American crew that is a rock without a non-jam without a game, and he was anonymously with the news about the CBS, because it was not allowed to talk to the media on the collision, he said that the ship was anchored on the spot where the collision was reached. Tanker transferred his coordinates, a man said, which means that all other vessels in the area were to know his position.
The crew member said Solong “came out of the blue” and hit the rock.
He said he was close to the part of the rock in which Solong did his influence and that he only had a few seconds to react when he heard shouting on the brothers before they heard him.
The government said that the cause of the collision is explored. There was no indication of misdemeanor play, but encouraged fear of significant environmental damage.
Yann Schreiber and Paz Pizarro / AFP via Getty Image
Officials in the UK watched damage to birds and marine life after the jet fuel walked into the northern sea when Solong is widely promo on Monday. The collision caused explosions and fires burning more than 24 hours.
The American official said for CBS news on Monday that the rock carries the burden as the support of the defense department. The collision did not affect the surgery or the fight against readiness, the official said.
Shots taken from helicopter on Tuesday morning, they showed that the fire generally appears on the rock, which had a large extinguishing on its port.
Danny Lawson / Pa Images / Getty
The Coast Agency in the UK announced on Tuesday that Solong was still illuminated. He said the cargo ship, whose front end was demolished and blown, overturned south, far from tankers, and roughly semi-mile exclusion zone in both ships.
“The sign of pollution from the vessel is currently not observed,” said the British Minister of Mike Kane in MPs at the Community Home.
The government said that air quality readings are normal, and the risk for public health was “very low.”
Kane was initially saying that Solong was expected to be sinking, but the government said later that both veins would probably stay on the water.
The collision has launched the main rescue operation by the cable cars, airplane and commercial vessels in the foggy north sea.
All but one of the 37 crew members from two vessels were brought safely in the port of Grimsby, about 150 miles (north of London, without larger injuries. One crew member disappeared late Monday.
“Our work assumption is that, very unfortunately, the sailor is the deceased,” Kane said.
The branches for researching a marine accident in the UK began gathering evidence of what has caused Solong, tied from Grangemouth, Scotland, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, to hit the stationary tanker, which was anchored about 10 miles from the English coast.
The investigation will lead the US and Portugal, countries in which vessels are marked.
Non-aggression of 596 feet acted as part of the US Security Program, a group of commercial vessels that can be arranged for wearing fuel for the army. His operator, American maritime managerial company Crowley, said he was wearing 220,000 barrels Jet-A1 fuel in 16 tanks, at least one cracked.
The company said it was not clear how much fuel leaked into the sea.
North Sea is home to a series of protected sea animalsLike vital fishing stocks for the UK and other European countries.
The Ocean Great British considers that the collision takes place near Protected for Protected from two protected areas, which is intended for the protection of the port of Porpoise, the Naomi Tilley, the oil and gas campaign, the Economic Agricultural Group.
“It’s a really important area of breeding and a really much of the global population is in the area,” she said on Tuesday at CBS.
The owner of Solong said that the vessel had not worn the containers of sodium cyanide in the contrary, which can produce harmful gas in combination with water. It was said that four blank containers were previously contained chemicals.
“Our team actively deals with all local authorities, and we will work with cleaning teams to ensure that any effort is entered to mitigate additional influences on the sea environment,” said in the statement.
Greenpeace UK said it was too early to assess the scope of any environmental damage, which took place near a busy fishing field and the main colonies of the seabirds.
Ecologists said that oil and chemicals were a risk of marine life, including whales and dolphins and birds, including puffons, chases and swallows living on the coastal cliffs.
Tom Webb, a senior lecturer in marine ecology and preservation at the University of Sheffield, said the game along the tatez of the coast “huge biological, cultural and economic importance.”
Alex Lukyanov, which models the oils at the university reading, said the impact on the environment will depend on several factors, including the size of spill, weather, marine waves, wind samples and type oil. ”
“This particular incident is worried because it seems to include permanent oil, which slowly breaks in water,” he said. “The cistern for environmental protection could be serious.”
2025-03-12 01:10:00