New Delhi – Thousands begin to vote in the elections of the Indian Legislative Council on Wednesday, as the Hindu National Party of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is trying to remove a strong regional group that has ruled New Delhi for more than a decade.
The voters walked to the ballots in a cold and winter morning to the voting cards across the sprawling capital. Manish Cisodia, leader of the main Adami party, and others who gave prayers in a temple before voting.
Bharatiya Janata from AAP, led by Arfind Kejewal, who runs New Delhi and built a broad support base on social welfare policies and the anti -corruption movement. Kejewall, the famous Crusader against corruption, suffered from a setback because he himself faced the allegations of graft.
AAP won 62 out of 70 seats in the victory of a landslide in the last elections, which was held in 2020. leaving the Bharatia Jatata Party with eight and the Congress Party only. AAP also invaded the state elections for the year 2015, winning 67 seats, with the Pharaoatia Party of Jatata three.
Moody and Kejriwal made a strong campaign of violations with thousands of supporters who appreciate them. They offered the renewal of public schools, the provision of free health and electricity services, and a monthly salary for more than 2000 rupees ($ 25) for poor women.
The vote ends later on Wednesday, with results due on Saturday. More than 15 million people are qualified to vote in the New Delhi election.
I saw Great, the political commentator, a narrow competition between the two parties, saying: “Even since AAP rose to the emergence, it was a single -side competition.”
Delhi, a city of more than 20 million people, is a federal region that Moody has not won more than 27 years ago, although there is a large support base there.
Kejriwal and other AAP leaders recently faced allegations of graft in the alcohol license case.
Nerga Chaudhry, a political analyst, said the issue of alcohol policy – in which many AAP leaders, including Kejriwal, went to prison – they ridiculed Kejriwal’s clean image.
Kejriwal was arrested last year alongside two main leaders of his party before the national elections on charges of receiving bribes from the alcohol distributor. They constantly denied these accusations, saying they were part of a political conspiracy. The Supreme Court allowed the release of Kiggerioal and other ministers on bail.
Kejewall later gave up the position of Prime Minister of the most prominent party leaders.
The Bharatia Jatata Party, which failed to secure a majority on its own in the national elections for the past year but formed the government with the coalition partners, gained some lands by winning government elections in Northern Haraniana and west of Maharashtra state.
Moody Party hopes to take advantage of federal income taxes in the federal budget last week on the middle -class middle -class, one of the main voting blocks.
The opposition parties widened on a large scale of the arrest of Kigiwall, accusing the Moody government of accounting the federal investigation agencies to harass political opponents and weaken them, and pointed to many raids, arrests and investigations into corruption for the main opposition numbers in the months before the national elections.
Kejriwal pledged to be a Crusader Anti -Corruption and AAP in 2012 after taking advantage of the public anger against the party’s government at that time due to a series of corruption scandals. His pro -poor policies focused on reforming the state -run schools, providing cheap electricity, free health care and transporting buses to women.
The Bharatia Gata Party was voted from power in Delhi in 1998 by the Congress Party, which was running the government for 15 years. In the 2015 and 2020 elections in Delhi, AAP won the victories of the ground collapse.
2025-02-05 03:41:00
#India #Modis #party #seeks #oust #anticorruption #crusader #Delhi #state #elections