Contributing to the saturation of TV series that focuses on wives in 2010 was “mob wives”, a series that follows the lives of Italian women married to men who are sentenced to prison sentences on charges of crimes associated with the game.
The reality program was played by the main tournament, Draita Davanzo, Carla Faculo, Karen Garvano, Renny Gratchiano, the daughter of the necknotherapy family in Consiller Anthony Graceiano, compressed friendships, and marriages, chaos and chaos.
“I received a call from a product,” said Kelly Gorsky, a specialist in treatment, psychology and anger management, told Fox News Digital. He said: “I have a complex situation, a complicated possible agent. Can you deal with a difficult person, and will you be open to its processing in a TV program? “
Renny Gratchiano’s “mob wives” star after the arrest, a car accident: “grateful for being alive.”
Renee Graziano is the daughter of Bonanno Crime Consiglieree Anthony Graziano and she starred as major students in the TV program “Mob Wives”. (Getty Images)
Since 2007, Gorsky has dealt with customers through its own practice.
With more than a million viewers in each episode, the first season of “mob wives” was broadcast in the sitting sessions recorded between Gorsky and Graziano.
“I learned the challenge,” Gorsky said. “I have already learned composer, self -liquidation, self -control, and self -organization, even when the customer tries to put you in very uncomfortable conditions.”
The first season of viewers gave a look at the stages of sadness, as the main story line was revealed in Graziano’s life. Her ex -husband, Hector “Junior”, was detected as a federal investigation laboratory that was wearing a wire and her father’s absence. Graziano detailed its struggles to Gorsky during the weekly sessions.
She admitted that one of the main fast food was learning how to support the customer through the most difficult and unusual conditions.
The star of “mob wives” Natalie Didontu was found after reporting: Mother

Kelly Gorsky, a specialist in Graziano treatment, is treated with treatment, psychologist and anger, during the first season of “mob wives”. (Jeff Spicer)
She said: “All they wanted to use through a 50 -minute session, was out of their appreciation.” “They got any content they wanted.”
Not sure the value of the sessions registered in an industrial entertainment building for viewers, Gorksy did not sign additional seasons.
The presentation of the offer is for six seasons. The last episode was broadcast one month after Angela Raiola, a member of the beloved actors’ team, known as “Big Ang”, died due to complications of lung cancer.
The star of “mob wives”, Rene Grachiano, an overdose on Fntanil: “I was dead”

Gorsky, as a therapist, said, “I have learned a composure, a self -candidate, a self -control, a self -organization” while dealing with Graziano as a customer of “mob wives”. (Loren Sarkis)
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Gorsky has composed the book “Management Management: 101”, which provides visions on how individuals avoid participating in the arguments or pushing them. They are the details of the confrontation skills, tools and information about an alternative to anger, which she initially applied to her private life.
She said: “I had a huge amount of anger, friction, screaming, screaming, and controversy, and it was just a rotating ship.” “It will not stop.”
“Anger is a very healthy emotion that provides you with a sign that there is something wrong,” Gorsky said.
The book approved by the court is written in short classes, and customers are encouraged to work gradually.

During the first season of the “mob wives”, Graziano learned that her ex -husband, “Junior”, was a federal investigation office that abandoned her father. (Slavin Flasik)
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“The ultimate goal is to make better decisions because you have better skills to resolve conflict,” Gorsky said.
“Even if you are the most interactive person, most of the time, everything is planned in advance,” she said. “All your plans, attitudes, people, events, and gatherings; you know who you are. You know who people are. You know what are the usual conflicts.”
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Gorsky recommends planning expectations and responses for blind flying and welcoming the alternative.
“Conditions can usually be predicted,” she said.
2025-02-01 15:27:00
#Mob #Wives #season #anger #specialist #recorded #Renee #Graziano #sessions