Children in Iceland resigned after acknowledging that they had a teenager and children 30 years ago.
Ásthildur lóa thórsdóttir started his relationship for the first time when the boy was 15 years old, and she said that he was a 22 -year -old counselor of a religious organization he attended.
She had a child when she was 16 years old and was 23 years old.
“36 years have passed, many things have changed at that time, and today I would have dealt with this problem differently.” I told Iceland Media.
Kristrún Frostadóttir, Prime Minister Iceland, told the media a “serious problem.”
“This is a very personal problem [and] If I do not respect the relevant person, I will not mention the material. “She said.
According to the Visir newspaperFrostadóttir said he only confirmed the story on Thursday night.
She immediately summoned the children’s minister to the office and resigned.
Icelandian carrier RUV broke the story Thursday night.
Thórsdóttir told them in an interview with them that she met her father, who was named Eirík ásmundsson.
He was 15 years old and was 22 years old at the time of the meeting. Thórsdóttir gave birth to a son when his son was 1 year old.
RUV was a secret relationship, but ásmundsson attended the child’s birth and spent the first year with him.
But the news agency changed this when Thórsdóttir met her husband.
They saw a document that ásmundsson submitted a document to the Icelandic Justice that he requested his son for access, but Thórsdóttir rejected him to request and receive child support for the next 18 years.
Ásmundsson’s relatives tried to contact Prime Minister Iceland about last week’s relationship.
Frostadóttir said last night that she was related to government ministers, she called for more information and led to revelation and resignation.
Thórsdóttir said in a TV interview with RUV last night that he was angry with the fact that she contacted the prime minister.
“I understand.
Iceland’s agreement is 15 years old, but it is illegal to have sex with people under 18 years of age in teachers or mentors. The maximum type of this crime is three years in prison.
Thórsdottir said he had no plans to leave Congress despite his resignation.
2025-03-21 09:40:00