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Common cancer type could be detected with new blood test

Common cancer type could be detected with new blood test Common cancer type could be detected with new blood test

A new blood test is found to detect colon cancer with more than 80 % of accuracy – and excluded for 90 % of healthy people.

The results were presented at the 2025 American Association symposium for clinical oncology tumors held in San Francisco at the end of last month.

It was also published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

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In the study, more than 27,000 adults between 45 and 85 years old had drew their blood before undergoing colonoscopy to examine the signs of cancer. Participants were registered between May 2020 and April 2022.

A new blood test is found to detect colon cancer with more than 80 % of accuracy – and excluded for 90 % of healthy people. (Istock)

The researchers tested blood samples for “molecular signals of the advanced colon and rectum cells” and then compared these results with the results of the colonoscopy.

The researchers found that the sensitivity of the test, or its success rate in the discovery of the current colon cancer was 81.1 %.

The privacy of the test, the share of the participants who did not suffer from colon cancer and test them negatively, was 90.4 %.

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“In additional tests to examine colon and rectal cancer comfortable, comfortable, safe and easy to complete,” said the main study author, Aasma Shaukat, MD, of the New York University College, in a press release from the American Clinical Oncology Association (ASCO).

“Until now, we only have stool -based tests, colonoscopy, or X -endoscopy (on the basis of stool). The blood test has the ability to improve colon and rectum cancer examination.”

Colon and rectal cancer

Colon and rectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the United States and the second of the most delicate type, according to the colon and rectal cancer alliance. (Istock)

Pamela Kunz, MD, of Yale School of Medicine, indicated that the experimental blood test represents a “new tool in our toolbox” of colon and rectum cancer examination options.

“The study valued a blood -based examination of colon and rectal cancer, and it has a suitable and effective option to examine colon and rectal cancer in the average American population,” and he did not participate in the study, in the same press statement.

“A blood test has the ability to improve colon and rectal cancer examination.”

Pashtun Cassi, medical director of the Air Medical Oncology in Hope Orange, California, did not participate in the study, but indicated that these types of blood tests – also known as “liquid biopsies” – are “a revolution in cancer care.”

“It is a simple blood test that looks at different components of cancer or tumors that are thrown into the bloodstream – and therefore, the term” liquid biopsy “,” Kasi told Fox News Digital.

blood test

Extensive examination options are especially important due to the number of people who are diagnosed with colon cancer under 50 years of age. (Istock)

The doctor pointed out that several different types of blood tests already make their way to clinical practice.

“Some of them are cancer like this version, which will be directed towards early detection of colon and rectal cancer.” One blood drawing. “

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The doctor indicated that blood tests should not be used instead of colonoscopy, which remains the “golden standard” to examine colon cancer.

“Colonoscopy can prevent colon cancer by discovering and removing benign tumors, and non -cancerous growth in the lining of the intestine that can become cancerous,” said Cassi.

“Blood tests are designed to detect cancer, not preventing it.”

He added that if the cancer is detected during blood test, then additional tests such as colonoscopy will be needed.

“Like most types of cancer, early detection of colon cancer leads to better results,” Cassie said. “Colon cancer is usually slow-in its early stages, it can be without symptoms.”

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Studies show that at least a third to half of people do not get colon cancer offers – and hope is that a blood test can help “fill the void”, according to Cassi.

“We know that colonoscopy usually evoke unpleasant ideas for preparing the intestine, a liquid diet and embarrassment, so it is not surprising that the blood test tests provide greater attractiveness,” he said, describing the blood-based test “a possible game- change” in improving examination rates.

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“Colon and rectal cancer in a high -slope slope – so slope to the point that by 2030, it will be the main cause of the death of cancer for adult youth in the United States,” he warned an oncologist. (Istock)

Extensive examination options are especially important due to the number of people who are diagnosed with colon cancer under 50 years of age.

“Colon and rectal cancer in a very slope mile – so slope that, by 2030, will be the main cause of the death of cancer for young people in the United States.”

“Blood tests are designed to detect cancer, not preventing it.”

“It will be necessary to expand research in this field and obtain diagnostic tests available for the younger demography.”

Colon and rectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the United States and the second of the most delicate type, according to the colon and rectal cancer alliance.


Doctors stated that blood tests should not be used instead of colonoscopy, which remains the “golden standard” to examine colon cancer. (Istock)

They stated that researchers will continue to study the long -term effect of colon and rectum blood test.

“Since the blood -based tests get the approval of the organizational bodies, medical care and other creditors, the tests will be available for clinical use,” the author of the head study of Fox News Digital told Fox News.

The doctor pointed out that the blood -based tests are options for men and women between the ages of 45 and 85 and who are at risk of colon cancer and due to the examination.

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He said: “If you have a large family history or another medical condition, you are increasingly risk of colon cancer, the test is not an option.” “Also, if the test is positive, it requires colonoscopy to assess the colon colon or colon cancer.”

For more health articles, visit www.foxnews.com/health

The researcher recommends that patients speak with service providers about colon and rectal cancer examination options, such as stool test, blood test, colonoscopy, and choosing the best option for them.

The study did not receive any funding, as mentioned.


2025-02-04 14:00:00

#Common #cancer #type #detected #blood #test

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